This year in ES, technology will be going to students in their learning environment. WAB decided to get rid of the 2 computer labs we had. These labs were used mainly by students in Kg to Gr.2. WAB has managed to get laptops to all students in the ES. Students in the lower Elementary School share a set of 23 laptops per grade level. This has increased significantly their accessibility to technology. In Kg, we had concerns about the use of trackpads. But after a few weeks of using the laptops, students are getting more and more familiar with the them. However, we are ready to provide mouses, should they have difficulties using the trackpads.
I was in the Gr.2 wing to talk to students about the experience I had in the elementary school in Africa. At first I though 45 minutes would be too long for me. But it turned out that it was nothing compare to what students wanted to know about the education system in Africa or in Congo, to be more precise. I told them that we were not buying toys; we were making them using things we picked up around. I’m sure they got the point I was trying to make: although some kids live in very poor conditions, they still can be as creative as kids we have in International school.
Some of them still talk about what they heard yesterday. They still ask me questions about my childhood. I start thinking I should give them another session.
Here’s a challenge for you. Look at the pictures and tell me what toys these are! If you have been to Africa, you’ve probably seen this thing below. Kids use this all the time to play. I made this one last night in about 15 minutes.
Students were asked to watch youtube videos about the process of producing different things. They saw how chocolate, orange juice, potato chips etc are made. They were asked to share their finding with the class. Each one of them shared things from their own perspective. Here’s is an example of what they said:
KG Production Process (recorded with the iPhone)
Gr 3 students are about to start a new UOI. One class just impressed me with they ability to find information and share it. As front loading activities, their homeroom teacher and I agreed to give them a set of ecosystem websites to explore and share.
We had about 16 different websites and we gave one to each student to work with. They were so engaged that they asked for more time to prepare their sharing session. Some remembered the information while others found a piece of paper and wrote it down.
What was the most impressive was the comments they made each time someone finished presenting their finding. Students asked questions and gave comments on how we should be careful with what we do in our daily lives, since our actions can have a very negative impact on the earth.
Coup de chapeau Gr 3!!!
An example of the kind of work Gr.2 students do using technology. Click on the image to see the life cycle
Life Cycle of a Plant from jtumba on Vimeo.
Each year, the Kg students have great fun experiencing one aspect of a totally different culture. During their “Who Am I” unit of inquiry, they have a chance to listen to Congolese music, watch a video clip and try to imitate the dancers. They are at the same time appreciating other people’s culture. What a great way of emphasizing a multicultural learning environment. Watch the video to see for yourself
It is all about learning about, with and through technology. This summit was held successfully for the second time at WAB. It was great to work with teachers and administrator who are all interested in technology. Find out more by following this link:
I was a participant and presenter. I also was in the organizing committee. It looks like all the participants were satisfied. They said they would like to return next year.
I’m sure there are many apps we can use to brainstorm. It’s always been my wish to get a group of students to brainstorm electronically. I tried chat rooms, but they were too linear. But wallwisher is just what I was looking for; it keeps the essence of the brainstorming practices as we do it in school. I just tried it with one Gr.1 teacher and she loves it because it works like a charm with her student. I was so happy that I couldn’t stop myself giving her a hug. Thanks to the Shanghai Learning 2.010 summit. Here is the link of the wallwisher:
About Me
I have many names, but I’ll just tell 2 of them: Jose Tumba. I’m an ICT integrator and have worked with international schools students for more than 15 years. Go through this blog and you’ll find out more about me and what I do. Happy blogging