Gr 3 students are about to start a new UOI. One class just impressed me with they ability to find information and share it. As front loading activities, their homeroom teacher and I agreed to give them a set of ecosystem websites to explore and share.
We had about 16 different websites and we gave one to each student to work with. They were so engaged that they asked for more time to prepare their sharing session. Some remembered the information while others found a piece of paper and wrote it down.
What was the most impressive was the comments they made each time someone finished presenting their finding. Students asked questions and gave comments on how we should be careful with what we do in our daily lives, since our actions can have a very negative impact on the earth.
Coup de chapeau Gr 3!!!
About Me
I have many names, but I’ll just tell 2 of them: Jose Tumba. I’m an ICT integrator and have worked with international schools students for more than 15 years. Go through this blog and you’ll find out more about me and what I do. Happy blogging